Ipsos Canada Election Surveys


This study is a 5-week omnibus survey conducted during the 41st Ontario General Election, held on June 12, 2014. An online survey tool was used to examine voter attitudes and preferences in the 41st Ontario general election. Respondents were polled in five waves: Wave 1, May 6-9 (n=821); Wave 2, May 12-14 (n=801); Wave 3, May 20-21 (n=800); Wave 4, May 26-29 (n=868); Wave 5, June 3 (post-debate) – June 6 (n=2,140). Respondents provide information regarding government and party leader preferences, party support, issues that affected the election campaign, as well as priorities for the new government. These 5 waves were then merged into one dataset (total n=5,430); not all Respondents volunteered their time for each wave. Respondents include individuals recruited through the Ipsos Canada 2014 Ontario General Election Staging Survey. (2017-01-19)


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